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Did you know that your tongue has over a thousand taste buds on it? Have you ever heard that your tongue is actually the strongest muscle in your body? Your tongue plays an important role in helping you breathe, eat, and even speak. Caring for your tongue well will help you stay more comfortable and maintain great oral health.

While you could consider simply using a toothbrush, did you know that there is actually a tool specifically designed to help you clean your tongue? These tools, which are known as tongue scrapers, are generally used to remove bad bacteria. This will help you prevent or address bad breath, and could help your teeth, gums, and tongue stay healthy.

While a toothbrush may be enough to help you cope with these issues, many people suffer from a sensitive gag reflex. Tongue scrapers are designed to work around this problem. There are several different types of tongue scraper available. The most common type of tongue scraper is made from stainless steel. You may also consider a plastic tongue scraper, which is generally smaller than one made of stainless steel, and even better for those who suffer from gag reflex.

Would you like to learn more about the benefits of a tongue scraper? Are you simply hoping to set up an appointment with our dentist, Dr. Pam Crumrine? If so, we invite you to give Pamela Crumrine DDS a call at 724-775-4860. We’ll be happy to examine the health of your smile. We’re eager to hear from you soon.