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The American Dental Association offers several recommendations for maintaining good, long-term oral health. On a daily basis, this involves brushing your teeth twice per day and flossing once each evening. Maintaining a healthy mouth also includes visiting your dentist, Dr. Pam Crumrine, twice a year for a dental checkup in Beaver, Pennsylvania.

The checkup starts with a dental hygienist performing a thorough dental cleaning. This is designed to remove all traces of hardened tartar from your teeth and polish away surface stains. Through the course of the cleaning, the hygienist will also keep an eye out for signs of tooth decay or gum disease.

Then, Dr. Pam Crumrine will examine your mouth, giving special attention to any trouble spots the hygienist might have noticed. If there are cavities, signs of gum disease or other issues, she will help you understand your treatment options. Dr. Pam Crumrine will then conduct a basic cancer screening, examining your mouth, neck, and tongue for signs of oral or pharyngeal cancer.

If Dr. Pam Crumrine is concerned about the strength of your tooth enamel, she might recommend administering a fluoride treatment.

If you have noticed a problem in your mouth or if you’re due for your next dental checkup, you should call 724-775-4860 to schedule an appointment at Pamela Crumrine DDS.